by ФГБУЗ ЦМСЧ № 119 ФМБА Ро...



Since 1972, the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Health Care “Central Medical and Sanitary Part No. 119 of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency” (FGBUZ TsMSCh No. 119 of the FMBA of Russia) has been providing specialized medical care to employees of enterprises and institutions of the State Corporation Roscosmos, residents of Moscow and the Moscow region.FGBUZ TsMSCh No. 119 of the FMBA of Russia is the leading multidisciplinary medical and preventive institution of the FMBA of Russia.Doctors of all specialties are receiving at the institution, modern highly informative diagnostic studies and treatment and rehabilitation procedures are being performed.More than 320 doctors and 404 paramedical workers, including 3 doctors and 33 candidates of medical sciences, work at TsMSCh No. 119. Awarded honorary titles: "Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation" - 4 people, "Excellent Health Worker of the Russian Federation" - 6 people, "Honored Health Worker of the Russian Federation" - 3 people.The CMSCH 119 mobile application allows you to get:- access to basic information about the institution;- access to the latest news of the institution;- information about doctors providing paid services;- information about current promotions of TsMSCh No. 119;- schedule of doctors;- the ability to make an appointment with a doctor for attached patients;- catalog of paid services;- information about comprehensive medical programs and examinations;- informational videos;- buffet menu;- a game for the development of memory.